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Fruit of the Loom
Unisex, Uomo
S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL
Bianco, Nero, Fruit of the Loom Verde Bottiglia, Fruit of the Loom Oliva, Fruit of the Loom Verde Prato, Fruit of the Loom Lime, Fruit of the Loom Blu Navy, Fruit of the Loom Azzurro, Fruit of the Loom Royal, Fruit of the Loom Blu Cobalto, Fruit of the Loom Porpora, Fruit of the Loom Fucsia, Fruit of the Loom Rosa Pastello, Fruit of the Loom Bordeaux, Fruit of the Loom Rosso Mattone, Fruit of the Loom Rosso, Fruit of the Loom Chocolate, Fruit of the Loom Coloniale, Fruit of the Loom Arancio, Fruit of the Loom Girasole, Fruit of the Loom Naturale, Fruit of the Loom Giallo Accesso, Fruit of the Loom Cenere, Fruit of the Loom Graffite Chiaro, Fruit of the Loom Grigio Melange Scuro
Fronte, Lato cuore, Manica, Schiena, Altro (da specificare)